Faith Driven Capacity Builders: Landscape report


Business has God-given power to transform nations by creating jobs, generating prosperity, catalyzing human flourishing, and bringing people into relationship with Christ. This transformation will only happen with an exponential increase in the quality and quantity of Faith Driven Entrepreneurs.

Towards the end, recent decades have seen a rapid proliferation of capacity builders supporting Christian entrepreneurs at each stage of their journey: incubators, accelerators, peer networks, mentors, coaches and consultants who are each vital in developing and discipling Faith Driven Entrepreneurs. At the moment, these efforts are relatively small-scale and fragmented, but collaborative initiatives such as Global Collab (formed in 2019) have made room for capacity builders to begin to join forces, learn from each other, and create collective impact. 

Nevertheless, there is a long way to go before Faith Driven Entrepreneur and our partnerships through Global Collab achieve our shared mission: to see 1 million Christian entrepreneurs around the world inspired and equipped to bring redemptive impact in their business, community and nation for God’s glory.

This report provides a landscape analysis of faith driven capacity builders around the world based on survey and interview data collected from September 2020 to January 2021. It identifies the capabilities and limitations of these organizations and provides recommendations for how we can grow the entrepreneurial ecosystem—the supportive network of churches, schools, capacity builders, policy makers, and investors which enable entrepreneurs to flourish.



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