Discipling Entrepreneurs: A Call to Collaborate


A powerful and influential preacher once said, “I believe one of the next great moves of God will be through Christians in the marketplace.” It’s been over 20 years since Billy Graham anticipated God’s move in the workplace. We haven’t yet seen his prediction come true—what will it take? 

Of the 582 million entrepreneurs worldwide, there are an estimated 180 million who are Christ-followers. But only 0.3% of them are currently being served by Christian CEO ministries. That means 99.7% of Christ-following entrepreneurs don’t have the community and resources they need to advance God’s Kingdom through their work. They may belong to their church small group, but their church most likely does not disciple them in how to respond to the specific challenges and opportunities of entrepreneurship.

Discipling entrepreneurs to fully integrate their faith is crucial to the future of the church and too often overlooked by Christian givers. Transformed entrepreneurs bear witness to Christ and demonstrate His love to their partners, customers, and employees. They create wealth that can be invested in businesses and ministries near and far, alleviating poverty through job creation and economic development. They influence culture through redemptive business practices and the goods and services they provide. 

When entrepreneurs build ventures animated by the love of God, revival is imminent.

Our three priority initiatives:

  1. Mainstream the Movement with High-Quality Content

  2. Democratize Community through the Church

  3. Accelerate the Accelerators



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