Episode 314 - Wartime Mindset: Derwin Gray on Battling Spiritual Attacks as an Entrepreneur

In this episode of the Faith Driven Entrepreneur podcast, hosts Henry Kaestner and Justin Forman reflect on the recent Faith Driven Entrepreneur conference and introduce a powerful message from Derwin Gray, former NFL player and pastor.

Key points:

  • Gray compares spiritual warfare to animal hunting tactics, warning entrepreneurs about the devil's strategies to isolate and weaken them.

  • He outlines three common temptations entrepreneurs face: performance ("I am what I do"), possession ("I am what I have"), and popularity ("I am what others think").

  • Gray emphasizes the importance of adopting a wartime mindset and utilizing the armor of God as described in Ephesians 6.

  • The hosts discuss the relevance of Gray's message to entrepreneurial challenges and the importance of recognizing spiritual battles in business.

  • An upcoming prayer series based on Gray's teachings is announced, designed to equip entrepreneurs with spiritual tools for success.

Discussion Questions: 

  • How have you experienced the three temptations (performance, possession, popularity) in your entrepreneurial journey? Which one challenges you the most?

  • In what ways can adopting a "wartime mindset" change how you approach challenges in your business?

  • Derwin Gray emphasizes the importance of putting on the "armor of God." How can you practically incorporate this spiritual discipline into your daily routine as an entrepreneur?

  • How can recognizing spiritual warfare in business help you make better decisions and maintain a stronger faith?

  • What steps can you take to build a support network of fellow entrepreneurs to combat isolation and strengthen your spiritual defenses?

If you'd like to hear more about the Faith Driven Entrepreneur community groups, go to faithdrivenentrepreneur.org/groups.

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Henry Kaestner Entrepreneurs. Welcome back to the Faith Driven Entrepreneur podcast. I'm here with Justin.

Justin Forman Good to be with you, man. Good to be back in the studio After a lot of weeks on the road, some travel out there. The conference in 270 watch parties and also a really unique conference on the other side of the world.

Henry Kaestner Indeed, indeed. Where were you for the conference? I went to a watch party. I decided that I was going to be on the road, going to a conference in Austin, Texas, and I got a chance to go to the Austin, Texas watch party that was hosted by Dustin Elliott and Richard Cunningham, and they ran out of theater. It was amazing. But then I had a little bit of regret that I didn't go and accept the invitation to go to Manila because they had a 350 people there. It was incredible. Alan Barnhart was a co-host there, but just really encouraged by how many watch parties of scale were around there. Where were you?

Justin Forman Well, the pictures were amazing, weren't they? I mean, and on top of that, as you said, we may have just discovered a new model of movie theaters. Movie theaters make great watch party places for Faith Driven Entrepreneur.

Henry Kaestner Because they're not used at the lunch hour.

Justin Forman Yeah. Well, a fun thing, man. One of life's greatest gifts. One of the fun days for all of us in faith Driven is this day we get to see pictures around the world. I know. It's like I may have said on social media, it's like Christmas morning when you get to see all of these different things about how God is working in this movement, how wide, how deep it is. And I look forward to it, too. And it is the highlight of the year.

Justin Forman And yet a secret, a confession. Maybe I was not able to go to a watch party. I was not able to make it to watch party this year. I was so lined up, I was ready. I was prepared to join the one at Cottonwood Creek and Sam and what he was leading there and looking forward to that so much. But as you know, I got a text from my brother the day before, and it was just one of those moments where I'm the oldest of four, the Foreman four, if you will, and then walking through life together. Highs, the lows, the challenges, everything. And just fun to watch his journey and got a text that was just one of those things that you pray about you've been praying about for decades. And there was that moment where he threw his hands up and said, It's not about me and I can't do this on my own. I certainly can't do it better than God. And I want to make a big step. I want to make that public confession. And so he texted us as a family and said he wanted to get baptized and what a text what a call what a time what a sweet season even in the midst of hard, hard seasons. To be there and hear how God works and so grateful.

Henry Kaestner so awesome. The backdrop was incredible. But the subject matter. my goodness. And knowing a bunch of that story. Celebrating with you both from afar is such a good dude and just in faithfulness and praying for him. And that's encouragement to me. I think so many listeners here on this podcast have family members that don't yet know Jesus and just not giving up hope. And I'm going to continue to pray for those. My family don't yet know Jesus, and I hope that you all will do the same, but I hope we're all, as a community celebrating with you. And my goodness, if there's ever a good reason to not be able to attend a launch party, I really get.

Justin Forman Yeah, it was. And it was a gift to be there. It was a gift to change plans on our way to design something we'll probably talk about here in a little bit, but headed from Dallas to Seoul, Korea is, of all places, in somewhere in that flight path is California. And so it was just one of life's greatest moments to surprise them, to be there with them, to be there to celebrate, to be there to as brothers in so many different levels, and to celebrate that with them. So, so grateful to you two friends, to Sherie, that just the family and everything that made that happen. And to be able to share that moment with him was truly a gift. So if there were ever a permission slip that one might have maybe to not be there at a Faith Driven Entrepreneur event, it's to experience something like that. So what a moment it was.

Henry Kaestner And there are lots of reasons to miss and we never want any part of our ministry to be any sense of obligation or for you to ever feel sold on anything. Of course. But we do want to invite you in to participate whenever you can. In community, there is something really special about getting together and community with other faith driven entrepreneurs that understand some of the challenges. And today we've got somebody who's really helped us to unpack all of that, Derwin Gray and what he's able to share during the conference. I mean, some of the best content, maybe the best we've ever had.

Justin Forman Yeah. You know, there's so much to admire about doing. There's so much that I know that our listeners and people that we're the conference connected with. But, you know, one of the fun things for us, I mean, Henry and I both alluded to it. We got a chance to go to listen and listen is this gathering that was a 50th anniversary they were celebrating, started by Billy Graham for gatherings, just some unique gatherings, unique times where the body of Christ from around the world comes together, both to celebrate, to praise, to worship, but to wonder what might be, what could be, what might be the season that God has us in. And it was fun to see Derwin there. It was fun to connect with him and hear him share with others. And this isn't just fun experience to see the Body of Christ. I mean, 200 and I think a 202 different countries.

Henry Kaestner Yeah, 5400 delegates.

Justin Forman Yeah. 5400 people. 202 countries. I know there's tons of favorite moments that everyone might have, but one of my favorite, I can't sit still for very long. And so one of the things that I enjoyed was there was moments during down if you got a chance to experience this, but when all of the body, the people that were all there during the main session were all gathered around tables and they gathered tables around region, around language, of course, so that people could connect with one another in those times and prayer when you could walk through the floor and hear dozens of languages being spoken. I mean, this side of heaven, I don't think there's anything like that. I mean, what an experience and prayers we know. It's it's the lifeline. It's our oxygen we breathe as entrepreneurs, as we battle, as we're in that battle. And I think that's one of the things I love most, is it Derwin brings the eyes for us to see that this is a battle. This is an optional right.

Henry Kaestner And, you know, when you talk about prayer, prayer is so overlooked. I mean, there's this entrepreneur. We're doers, right? We're doers. We can see I work hard at this. I do this on my task list and I get this accomplishment and that to show for prayer, if we just are honest, is faith driven entrepreneurs is hard. It's hard sometimes it's like, you know what else is hard for entrepreneurs is marketing. Marketing is difficult sometimes to really get attribution back to what's really working well. Prayer is kind of that spiritual form, too. It's is this overall blanketing and surrounding ourselves with the goodness of God. And it's hard to go ahead and say, I can see exactly when that prayer was answered at 1102, because we want to have this instantaneous results faith driven entrepreneurs And that, of course, Justin, as you know, was not just the problem that I've had as an entrepreneur or that you've had as an entrepreneur. It was the problem that the kings of Judah had, right? Okay. So you got Kings of Israel and they divided. They're all bad, right? So nothing to talk about there. Among the kings of Judah. There are some that are bad and there are some there are good. But virtually all of the kings of Judah go back and look at it. Some of the incredible this is like any bag of. Before there is even any type of biography. Channel biographies that we see in Second Chronicles are really compelling and second kings to it's just what you see about these good kings are due to did so many things right, but almost all of them made a critical mistake along the way and it was not seeking God and his will out for some of them was a trade deal with Kush. Others, it was whether to go off in a war, of course. And I tell you, you read it, you know, like, my goodness, why wouldn't you do that? Why wouldn't you? She got out before going to war or doing a trade deal. And then I realized in my life how many times I've made decisions. Because you think about it, these are the good things due. They're making decisions out of common sense and they're good people, right? But God wanted them to reach out to them. With all the decisions major and minor we see now, am I doing it well? But I've infrequently done it well. And maybe that's one of the biggest things that our audience might ever hear.

Justin Forman Yeah. You know, it's interesting how you talked about the idea of like cause and effect in the space in between. That kind of causes us to wonder as entrepreneurs from marketing for prayer, for whatever is how do you connect the two? And yet the stories you bring up there was a pretty close correlation. There was a pretty close cause and effect. Like, I mean, when you look back in that and you look back in Chronicles, you see, and they didn't see God, they went off to war and got slaughtered. There was like direct correlation in some of those moments and in the times as entrepreneurs, as we struggle to find that in Scripture, we can certainly see that in that instance right there.

Henry Kaestner Yeah. Verses like Johesephat that I mean just pretty much showed up and like the enemy had like left and left all their goods behind. Like the battle was won. The battle is the Lord's but he was in contact with God ahead of time, knew the God's favor, was in it, and worked really well. But gosh, I just I miss it too often. But fortunately, because of those lessons and because it Derwin's teaching, which we're about to listen to, I stand a much better chance at doing it better going forward.

Justin Forman Indeed. Well, let's do that. Let's press into this. We like to do this to give the highlights of some of the best things of the conference, some of the things that attendees and partners and friends just said. This stood out, this resonated, and more people really need to hear it. So we want to share this episode, this part of this series that we'll talk a little bit later about that. But let's go ahead and listen to what Derwin has to say.

Derwin Gray My grandmother got me hooked on Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, one of the most epic animal and nature shows ever. This show taught me about lions and how they hunt. And the male lions were the protectors of the pride. But primarily it was the smaller, faster lionesses that were the hunter. The lionesses in a coordinate, a strategic method surrounded their prey and closed in on them. Their goal was to isolate and separate the prey from the herd. The devil works the same way. The devil cannot steal your salvation, but he can steal your happiness and effectiveness for God's kingdom. And that's why the Apostle Peter warned us about and compared him to a lion on the hunt. Be sober minded, Be alert. Your adversary, the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for anyone he can devour. Dark powers desire to isolate and separate us from the herd, our brothers and sisters in Christ in Christ, we protect and strengthen each other. Resist him firm in a faith knowing that the same kind of suffering are being experienced by your fellow believers and faith driven entrepreneurs throughout the world. The God of all Grace who called you to His eternal glory in Christ will Himself restore, established, strengthen and support you after you have suffered a little while. Thankfully, Jesus restores, establishes, strengthens and supports us.

Derwin Gray What if one of the wildebeests said to the thousands of others in its giant herd. Why are we running from a few lions when there are way more of us? What if instead of running from them, we stood close to each other and in unity started running full speed toward them? Our sheer numbers and powers will crush them. We will no longer be their prey. If only the wildebeest knew how powerful they were together, they would easily defeat the lionesses. Often as followers of Jesus, because of our ignorance of how strong we are together in Christ, we are overcome by the forces of darkness. Instead of living out our Holiness in Christ Jesus were sabotaged by the enemy. Instead of living in the collective strength of the church, we decide to be lone wolves. Many of us have yet to realize and live in the power of Jesus, who defeated the dark powers and triumphed over the power of sin and the power of his church, which protects us from the plans of the devil. Never forget the cross was bloody and the tomb is empty. Jesus won. We ride the coattails of his victory.

Derwin Gray There's an old saying. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Often think this is what the accuser says to his demons who are assigned to destroy our witness. Dark power strategically attack God's kids with three temptations. An emotionally healthy, spiritually Pete six zero explains them as number one. I am what I do. Performance number two. I am what I have possession. And number three, I am what others think. Popularity. Apparently the devil doesn't think he needs to update his strategy because he's had so much success with this one. One of the traps of the dark forces is to convince us that we are strong enough to fend off his assaults alone.

Derwin Gray The first temptation to believe I am what I do to fall prey to the performance mindset. After 40 days of fasting, Jesus was hungry. The tempter said to him, If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread. The devil knew Jesus was hungry and he wanted Jesus to use his power to turn the stones into bread. Jesus. He wanted Jesus to base his life on his performance instead of God's provision. We either live from Jesus's performance or we die from our own performance. Based living is a life rooted in our own accomplishments. As entrepreneurs, this is often the place where we get attacked the most. Our ventures consume so much of our time and energy that our identity is often misplaced in what we do. What we're trying to build, what we're trying to accomplish. Along the way, a great space of life is a life rooted in the accomplishments of Christ. The beautiful obedience of Jesus stands in the place of our ugly disobedience. Jesus defeated the first temptation by quoting the Old Testament. It is written mentioned, not live by bread, alone by every word that comes out of his mouth. Jesus trusted in God's provision. He did not have to strive to make something happen. Jesus knew that his God deeply loved and treasured Him. This fact is true of us, too. His grace is enough for us. We're not what we do. We are what Christ has done for us.

Derwin Gray The second temptation is to see ourselves as I am what I have. Greed is Satan's spawn and leads us to say I am what I possess. Watch out and be on guard against all greed. Because one's life is not the abundance of his possessions. The Tempter wants us to believe our lives are found in our possessions. However, Jesus wants us to know our lives are found and being possessed by Him, and in using our lives to serve others generously through our possessions. And Jesus period of testing, Satan took him to a high mountain and showed him all the world in its splendor. The dark power was tempting Jesus with. Aren't you tired of the Jews being oppressed by the Romans? I can give you all this power. You can possess it all. If you bow down and worship me. Jesus responds with Go away, Satan, for it is written. Worship the Lord your God and serve only Him. Jesus's allegiance was to God. Jesus won the war. We could not because we're in Jesus. We are more than conquerors. The Son of God was revealed for this purpose, to destroy the devil's work. 1 John 3:8. When we pray, do not bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. We are affirming Jesus as victory and Christ. We're not helpless. He even gave us battle armor to wear called the Armor of God.

Derwin Gray The third temptation is I am what others think, also known as popularity. As entrepreneurs. This can also be a unique challenge. We want to be seen. We want our businesses to be successful, which is often synonymous with being known and liked. We we want to be viewed favorably by our community's clients and other businesses. We want to be the best brand, have the best reputation to be the first thing that comes to mind when people are in need of our particular goods and services. In some ways, popularity can feel like the goal of entrepreneurship. Being successful is a good thing. But having our identity rooted in a firm foundation is critical in Christ. Our popularity does not matter because Jesus is our identity and temptation to the devil took the Messiah to the holy city, had him stand on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to him, If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down. In essence, Satan tells Jesus, show everyone how big of a deal you are. Jesus responds with it is also written. Do not test the Lord your God. Jesus was secure in God's love. So the opinions of Satan or other people did not sway him from accomplishing his father's will. We're not what others say about us. We are what Christ has done for us and the love He speaks over us.

Derwin Gray To combat these temptations, we must adopt a wartime mindset. Jesus came to battle with the devil prepared and cultivating a wartime mindset. We must remember that because of Christ's vast power, we live in victory. God is all powerful. Satan is not. God is present everywhere. Satan is not. God is all knowing. Satan is not. God is sovereign. Satan is not. God is greater than God is greater than Satan. It is not even close. And the same Jesus that obliterated the works of the devil has graciously given you battle armor. What the scriptures call the armor of God. He knows we're going to face battles. We're at war with powers and principalities every single day.

Derwin Gray But our God doesn't send us into the cosmic battle without proper protection. In Ephesians 6, Paul describes the armor we get to put on. And it's stronger than anything the enemy might throw at us. The belt of truth is the gospel. The good news that we're in Christ concealed by the Holy Spirit. The salt of the enemy cannot withstand the power of the Holy Spirit that dwells us. The breastplate of righteousness protects our hearts from the enemies of salt of condemnation. We move forward in what I call gospel shoes. Paul says that our feet are fitted with readiness from the gospel of peace. As we charge ahead, we push back all evil and darkness and free, all those who trust the message of salvation. What ancient warrior would outlive a battle. Without a shield. Our God gives us the shield of faith as the ultimate defense. Knowing that Jesus, the protector and object of our faith is stronger than anything coming after us. And the last thing he tells us to put on is a helmet. And listen, as a former professional football player, I know the importance of a good helmets. Athletes have specialized equipment that was designed to protect them. But God. Has created a far superior helmet for his people, one encased in his salvation that protects our minds from the evil thoughts. And trains us to think about the world differently. But that's not just what God gives us to wear into the battle. It's what he entrusts us to hold.

Derwin Gray He has given us the most powerful weapon. Imaginable that will slay the demons that come against us. The Word of God is the source of the Spirit is a double edged blade that heals and gives life to those who submit before it. It destroys the dark powers that stand against him. The whole world is a spiritual war zone. Any time we walk into our offices or a lunch meeting or anywhere else, we're walking into a battlefield. Can you imagine walking into a battlefield without armor or weapons? That be foolish? We do the same thing every day when we don't take the time to put on the armor that God has gifted us with. And the enemy is ready to pounce. But when we pray, we access the protection and weapons necessary not just for survival, but for us to thrive. Entrepreneur don't go into battle with bare fists and no protection. Take the gift offered by our God and use prayer as your weapon in a time of war. Thank you for inviting me to be a fellow traveler on this journey with you. May God bless you and keep you as you continue to follow his call and pursue his goals.

Justin Forman Man, I tell you, Henry, we talk about it like being in war all the time, and there is nothing like somebody to get us fired up. Thinking about the war and the battle that we're in is a guy that's been, you know. Helmet to helmet in football, going into battle, knowing that like if you're not wearing your helmet, if you're not wearing your pads and you're going out into the world, you're going to get hit. It's going to hurt. And so I love, love, love Darwin's framework, love that practical side of things. I know as sports fans we can resonate with that is I mean, you can't get very far in a football field without your helmet. You can't get very far without that shield. You can't get very far without those pads. And it's crazy to think as entrepreneurs that we think of you.

Henry Kaestner Yeah, I love the football analogy, but is you talking about as Derwin talks about of course I mean is part of it is of course putting the form of God on. All right. Most of our audiences can be familiar with the Ephesians 6 and how important it is, but I think that it's also just really important to understand, like the enemy we're facing. And for me, it's almost like, Gosh, I'm on the line. I can see the defensive lineman over there. I think that that's where the battle but also and I get like my clock cleaned from like a blindside hit and I had no idea where it came from because I didn't really know who the opponent was or where they're coming from. And so so oftentimes the national I'm like, my goodness, the battle here. The battle is this problem I've got or the battle is this customer is just so needy or just the battle is just I just can't get this, you know, big elephant client across the line. That's about and then, you know, that's not a battle. The battle is a spiritual one. And we have to know the game that we're in, who the opponent is. And then, yes, of course, put on the form of God. But it's also turning our self away from where we thought that the rush was coming from and realizing this is safety blitz, something altogether different. And Derwin so good.

Justin Forman Yeah, you know, I love that analogy of I think so often times we look at darkness and we look at sin and brokenness and we think it's like accidental. It's just happenstance. It's just not there. But when I hear this scripture and I love Derwin, how we started off this idea of like, the devil is prowling around. Like when I think of like lions and I think of is that analogy that nature shows? Like there is somebody prowling around seeking intentional watching every move is looking to destroy is not just crossing our path. There is a scheme, there's something behind it. And I think if we do that and we recognize our opponent, it should cause us to bring another level of intentionality and raise our game. Like you're not just going to think that like somebody's just going to be accidentally or intentionally doing that and just as you said, run into that bliss. You're not just going to walk into it, you're going to brace for it, you're going to try and avoid it. And I think the intentionality piece of that is something I'm so often reminded by that I miss is somebody really is out there to destroy us.

Henry Kaestner Yeah. And you know, it's football season. We're kind of dating this a bit, but we're watching football and I think about this whole kind of the safety. You know, I think I'm a lineman. I think my opponent is the person on the other side of the line. And I know it's the safety roaming around and defense at secondary. There's just there to just completely just mess things up. And I don't know where they're going to come from. But Derwin lays out a framework that I love so I can know that that person roaming around to just cause havoc has three primary tools that they use, three defensive schemes or three blitz schemes that they'll get. It's just meant so, you know, walk us through it. So yeah.

Justin Forman Yeah, I love that. I mean, we heard that. We just heard that a little bit here, but I'd love to double click on that. As you're saying, there's three blitz is what a great analogy that they continually run. And if you're talking about a defensive coordinator in the football season, if you run a blitz that's effective, they're going to keep running it till you figure it out. And so when you look at those three blitz as I love Germans, brain criminal like I am what I do where our focus shifts to the achievements that self-reliance, that independent spirit, that in some ways is a gift, but in some ways it can be our Kryptonite that instead of seeing it as God's provision, we start to think more of ourself, we think more of what we do. We. I love his phrase where he says we either live from Jesus's performance or we die from our own. And that I don't mean I don't know about you. That one. That is easy for me to see my own life. That's easy for me to see. And entrepreneurs it like. This is a blitz scheme that works on us without much effort almost at times.

Henry Kaestner So the first of the three P's, that one was performance performance. I am what I do. What's the second one?

Justin Forman The second one he talked about is we heard is like a possession. I am what I have and you know, I've got three kiddos and maybe oftentimes it's easier for me to see it in their life. But if I hold a mirror up, I can see it in my own life. And the greed and materialism as we are surrounded by all the world's trappings, entrepreneurs, they can become driving forces. And how do we see on guard, you know, how do we cultivate? I think some of the things we talk about the Faith Driven Entrepreneur spirit of generosity so that one life is not in the abundance of our possessions, it's not in the abundance of things that we have. And man is easy. Somewhere along the way, that's a hook, that's a blitzkrieg, that's something that gets run. And then the third one is what he talked about as popularity. As I start to become. What of thinking about what others think of me? And, you know, if you can be generous and push off, I am what I have. If you can kind of push away the things of what I do in the insecurity of that, you can start chasing at some level a legacy or something of what others think, not a legacy of what Christ thinks, but that need for that external validation and approval takes precedence over our identity in Christ. I mean, when you weigh that out, it's not hard to see that like those bullet schemes are being run a lot. And unfortunately, yeah, they break through a lot of times.

Henry Kaestner So you mentioned also so you know me well enough to know I love a good framework. So those three P's huge takeaways for me. But you also mentioned some of the quotes that he had in there and I'd love to hear from our audience what they thought really jumped out for them. So you talking about we either live from Jesus's performance or we die from our own, you know, similar to that, that really resonated with me is the devil cannot steal your salvation. But he can and in my life often times has steal your happiness and effectiveness for God's kingdom.

Justin Forman Yeah.

Henry Kaestner He's come to lie, destroy and steal. I just resonate.

Justin Forman You know, I think one of the other things that I know we're kind of coming close to the time here in terms of today's episode, but one of the things that I really loved is this phrase entrepreneur don't go to battle like with just bare fists. Don't go to battle without any protection. Take the gifts offer to us. I think too often times we think it's like I have to put on the shield. I have to put on this faith, I have to do this. But I love the thing you often say, or just like this is our competitive advantage, this is our competitive advantage. And when you think about war, and especially when you think about war in the early times and the Israelites, what won those war, A lot of times, certainly God's intervention. But there are so much when you talk about the tools of war that were effective, when you talk about, you know, Bronze Age and iron and just the advent of technology, how one thing would decimate the previous. And we don't look at it as like we have a weapon of war, we have a tool in our hand, we have a helmet, we have a breastplate. We have all of these things that really can help us, not in a prosperity way, not in a prosperity gospel kind of way, but in a way that can really, truly compete and win for the things that matter in me. And I just I don't know, maybe if it was part of the last 20, 30 years in the church, but it feels like it was like a god to you to put that on me. And it's a competitive advantage that we often miss.

Henry Kaestner Yeah, right. Well.

Justin Forman Well, always great to be with you. Always great to debrief. Always great to celebrate some of the things of what we've seen God do. And this was certainly one of them at the Faith Driven Entrepreneur conference. What a gift it is. We're grateful for Darwin unpacking this truth, but what you saw at the conference was just a glimpse. It's just a piece of the puzzle. And we're thrilled to say that here in the coming months there is going to be a new series talking about prayer, and it's going to pull through some of the things that you would see in Darwin's book that he had written on the topic, but also pulling through the scriptures and the frameworks and the things that apply most to entrepreneurs. And so that four part session of a study. Stay tuned. Just some wonderful work from our content team pulling that all together. Thrilled to make that available to Faith driven entrepreneurs everywhere to be able to use wherever you're meeting with your Faith Driven Entrepreneur group, your C 12 group, any group that you have out there that connecting, we hope it's an encouragement and a reminder of just all the incredible tools that are available to us. So stay tuned for that. Henry always great doing this. Would you mind just closing us in order prayer and praying over the entrepreneurs.

Henry Kaestner That are out to do that. But I also want to throw out a call to action. In addition to looking out for the series, We Can Have A Prayer is awesome sharing this time with you. Justin It's awesome sharing this time with our audience. Of course, if this is a podcast, that endurance talk is something that encourage you consider for it and you're on to somebody. This is a broader movement and this is a movement that you own you as the Faith Driven Entrepreneur. This is your movement and this is something that you can bring to other entrepreneurs that are out there wrestling with the same types of attacks that are coming in from the defensive secondary wrestling with the real challenges without even really knowing who the enemy is. So think about for this song, but I'll pray for us in the meantime, Heavenly Father, thank you first and foremost, for the way you love us. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the building of your kingdom under your power for your glory. Find is faithful and obedient. Find us motivated out of joy and gratitude for the gift given us the gift of life. And it's in the name of that gift. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen. Amen.

Speaker 4 Thanks for listening to the Faith Driven Entrepreneur podcast. Our ministry exists to equip and resource entrepreneurs just like you, with content and community. We know entrepreneurship can be a lonely journey, but it doesn't have to be. We've got groups that meet in churches, coffee shops, living rooms and boardrooms around the world. Find one in your area or volunteer to lead one and bring this global movement to your own backyard. There's no cost, no catch, just connection. Find out more at Faith Driven Entrepreneur or talk.

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