Episode 31 - Sharing Your Faith While Honoring Traditions: Interview with David Brickner (Executive Director of Jews for Jesus)

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David Brickner, Executive Director of Jews for Jesus, spends time with the team in this week’s podcast. He gives perspective on the tragic events in Pittsburgh and shares a bit on how people of the faith can best share the gospel with Jewish neighbors through relationship building and honoring the common elements between Judaism and Christianity. Rusty leads the discussion into the  “Behold Your God Israel” campaign where David shares the entrepreneurial strategies the organization employed to reach Jewish people in Israel over a span of 18 years. David addresses Jews for Jesus’ branding challenge with regard to how the Jewish population views Christianity and his organization and shares on how using customer segmentation principles helped the organization effectively reach Israelis for Christ. 

David ends this week making a case for the power of transformation – that changed lives give the best witness and taking the time to gather and retell those stories is probably how we’ll reach the next generation, regardless of their background and faith persuasion. He gives some results from his organization’s use of design thinking principles to help better understand and connect with Jewish millennials.

 This week’s episode really highlights the simple truth that non-profits are as entrepreneurial as for profits and that applying entrepreneurial principles can also be highly effective in spreading the gospel. 

 Let us know how you’ve used entrepreneurial strategies in your non-profit and/or ministry in the comment section below. We’d love to hear how these tools have been utilized for Kingdom expansion.

Photo by Anton Mislawsky on Unsplash