Part of the Faith Driven Entrepreneur Network


C 12 Group

Don’t lead alone.

Your peers can help you build a great business for a greater purpose.

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 History & Overview

Since 1992, C12 has been supporting faith-driven CEO/Entrepreneurs via peer advisory groups across the US, Brazil, and SE Asia. Serving 3,500+ Members who are served by over 170 full-time Chairs globally with forums in 125 US metro areas as well as 13 non-US markets for growth-stage businesses (>$2M / 10 FTE), they help leaders build great businesses for a greater purpose by utilizing full-time local market Chairs (Facilitators), MBA-grade content, proprietary tools.

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Their Focus & Impact

C12 help leaders translate faith intentions to real results using a Business as a Ministry (#BaaM) Operating System, measuring against a TriValue Model of value-adds and delivering superior market performance, eternal impact and personal leadership transformation. They focus on helping for-profit businesses grow, increase in excellence, navigate decision-making, assess against robust good health and deliver results harnessing the power of peers.



South America, South East Asia, East Asia, North America

Who does C12 work with?

CEO, President, GM, Owner, Entrepreneurs of businesses with established business model and revenue >$2M and at least 5-10 FTE with a passion to build a really great business but achieve and fulfill a greater purpose in doing so. We also have Key Player programs to provide succession pipeline, management team development and alignment for improved execution of vision.

Network Size

3,500+ Members as of Q3 2020 across more than 330 groups meeting monthly. Groups are typically 10-12 non-competing peers which meet monthly. The mission is delivered by nearly 170 full-time Chairs globally.

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 Success Story

A serial entrepreneur who had spent 10 years in vocational ministry, then started 6 businesses joined C12 while running some healthcare companies. Quickly convicted that while a good Christian and investor, his management was not redemptively integrated. 3 years later turnover had plummeted from 55% to less than 10% annually, significant ministry within staff and among customers. Recently sold business for 5X revenue in the middle of COVID against all odds to a Kingdom-minded buyer due to the value change from C12 impact.

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