Podcast Episode 65 - How Do You Build a Healthy Family and a Growing Business? with Ben and Liz Bohannon of Sseko Designs

Is it possible to have a healthy family while building a successful business? That’s the question at the heart of this week’s episode with Ben and Liz Bohannon of Sseko Designs. Their business began as a way to generate income for high-potential, talented young women in Uganda to continue on to university. Since then, it’s grown rapidly from a Shark Tank phenomenon to a global success. Hear how Ben and Liz are navigating the world of global business while still managing to focus on their home, their marriage, and their family.

So many times we hear the story of a business being started by one person. But beneath it we know that any business is a tremendous effort and is a family adventure. That’s certainly the case of Sseko designs. The story of Sseko closely follows the story of Ben and Liz’s relationship. From meeting in college, to Liz’s move to Uganda, everything they’ve experienced has happened together. So, how do they balance building their business and strengthening their marriage? And what boundaries do they put in place to keep both areas of their life healthy and growing?

You’ll find the answers to both these questions in this week’s episode, along with some fun stories and a sound that every marriage thrives on—laughter.

Useful Links:

Every Moment Holy

The Sseko Story Video

Beginner’s Pluck by Liz Bohannon

Articles/Books Mentioned in This Episode:

God of the Second Shift - Christianity Today

Working by Studs Terkel

Our Kids by Robert Putnam

An Uncommon Guide to Retirement by Jeff Haanen

The Pinkerton Papers