Joy and Success At Work

— by Faith Driven Entrepreneur Team

Mark McClain is a good friend of the FDE movement and his podcast was an encouraging one for our listeners! On this episode, he shared about struggling with the idea of control, and he also talked about what happened when he realized he couldn’t be the expert at everything. After 20 years of experience as a CEO developing and leading innovative technology companies, he has some great lessons for entrepreneurs. We wanted to share with you his latest book that was released this year!

"Joy and Success At Work: Building Organizations That Don’t Suck The Life Out Of People"

"I can't wait to get to work!" When was the last time you felt that way? Have you ever? Mark McClain has and still does. He and his leadership teams have focused on creating companies that make the quality of their employees' work experiences of equal importance to the quality of the solutions those employees create. With Joy and Success at Work, McClain has produced a manual that shares how he and his teams have done it--and how you and your team can, too. Speaking directly to the lack of fulfillment that too often accompanies work--with generous portions of humor and irreverence--Mark McClain deconstructs the modern business environment, then puts it back together. Shot through with pithy tales from his own experiences, Joy and Success at Work is Mark's honest take on what team building can be, and done right, what it produces: Great places to work that support people's broader lives, rather than sucking the life out of them.

Click the link above to access more on the Book!


[ Image from Amazon ]