Podcast Episode 75 - The Entrepreneur's Hidden Battle with Depression with Max Anderson

On today’s episode, we invited Max Anderson to come in and help us tackle a difficult yet important topic—depression among entrepreneurs. Max is an entrepreneur and a writer. Each week, he writes something called The Weekend Reader, where he explores one big idea from culture with a handful of suggested articles. Recently, he dove into how depression affects entrepreneurs, and what he found was staggering—entrepreneurs are anywhere from 2-10x more likely to suffer from mental challenges. It’s a topic that’s extremely important, yet remarkably under-discussed, so we thought that with Max’s help we’d push the conversation forward today...

Our hope in bringing this topic to light is that if you, or someone you know, is suffering from depression, that you could take the necessary steps to get help. We know this isn’t easy, and we also know that it’s not necessarily a fun topic to talk about. But it matters. And we’re grateful to Max for bringing this topic to our attention and for also helping us talk about it

We follow a God who cares deeply about His Creation, and that includes you! While much of this podcast is dedicated to stories of success, failure, and everything in between, we hope this episode meets you where you’re at and gives you some encouragement along the way.

As always, thanks for listening.

Useful Links:

Entrepreneurship and Depression

WSJ - Beyond the Confetti: The Darkside of Startup Success