Discovering God's Purpose for Your Work

This Tuesday, we heard from Sanyin Siang of The Coach K Center on Leadership and Ethics. Her words still stick with us today— her identity and value are found first and foremost in what God says is true of her—that she is a beloved child of God. To continue with the theme of ‘identity’ focus from our great podcast this week, we turn to WorkMatters for a great article from David Roth.

David Roth has been the president and CEO of Workmatters since October, 2003. Workmatters is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in Northwest Arkansas in 2003 with a mission is to help people pursue God’s purpose for their work. Since then, Workmatters has been used to impact thousands of leaders in Northwest Arkansas and across the U.S.

Here’s the beginning of his thoughts…

Last Friday, I had the privilege of sharing these insights at the Workmatters Leadercast event in Northwest Arkansas. (If you were there, this will serve as a powerful reminder of the thoughts that were shared).   

Can I be real with you about your work for a few minutes?

Regardless of how much you love your work, or dislike your work, or if you are somewhere in between, the reality is that work is hard!

Let me paint a powerful picture of the reality of work: you will spend half of your life working! Let me give that some perspective. If you work for 45 years (8-5 job), you will invest approximately 11,500 days of your life working!

So, with that reality noted, you now face one of the most important decisions of your life … What is the purpose of that half of your life going to be?

Read the full article below!


[Credit to WorkMatters for the cover photo]