When a Startup becomes a Monastery 2.0

This content was originally published here out of Seattle Pacific University's Initiative called Faith & Co. This is the second video of many that we plan to share as their business documentaries are world class! Beyond videos, they also offer an open online course and a group study guide. Check it all out here.

Answering a call to purposeful reconciliation, Dayspring Technologies relocated from downtown to Bayview, an underserved community where tourists (and tech firms) rarely venture. Since the move, Dayspring Technologies β€” a San Francisco-based technology firm specializing in web and app development, mobile design, and salesforce consulting β€” has worked to build thick relationships and has started and/or supported numerous grassroots efforts to serve its neighbors.

Enjoy the short documentary below!


[Special thanks to Jur Wiersema on Unsplash for the cover photo.]