Podcast Episode 12 - Is "Calling" Misunderstood?

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by Johnny Shiu

In this episode, Henry, Rusty, and William discuss the issue of calling.  Many of us have heard God calling us to a particular purpose.  

Romans 8:28 says “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”  

To fulfill God’s purpose, we may be individually called to contribute through our lives and work. 

In the work context, Rusty reminds us that you can be a Faith Driven Entrepreneur in any sector, whether it is in private, public, or the ministry space.  We look to God for drive and direction. 

How do we know that we are being called?  What does it mean to have a calling?

Citing Pastor Tim Keller, William gives us a framework, which consists of three elements: 

  1. Affinity - what are you naturally drawn to

  2. Ability - strengths and weaknesses

  3. Opportunity - what’s needed of me

We all have an affinity towards something, whether it is a particular type of work, or industry.  Of course, it is not enough to be attracted to a type of work, we need to play off our strengths while recognizing our own shortfalls.  And all the while it is important to identify opportunities that match the two prior criteria.  

Simply put, for our affinity we should “look out”; our ability - “look in”; and opportunity - “look up!” 

When we are called God may place a burden in our heart. The burden could be so deep that it keeps us up at night.  We also might feel a deep conviction that no matter what, we must pursue x or y or z. 

Now, God may not speak to us audibly.  The calling should not violate scripture or what God represents. This is why it is so important to have a framework that helps guide us.  

On the opposite end of the spectrum, some of us may not even know that we have been serving in our calling.  It might not be until we look back that we realize we have been doing what God has called us to do the whole time.

We hope you enjoy and as always, comments and reactions are welcome!