The Best Stories and Series of the Movement all in One Place
An 8-part video series that goes deep into the Marks with Henry Kaestner and Pastor J.D. Greear.
In part two from the Alpine Inn, Henry, Rusty, and William field more questions from our guests but first gave some background on Inklings, the gathering of faith driven entrepreneurs in the Bay Area who meet regularly in the same vain of the original Inklings gathering of faith driven thinkers C.S. Lewis, J.R.R Tolkien, Dorothy Sayer and others. The team moves on to walk an entrepreneur who is struggling to find his place in the local church through why the institutional church is a necessary part of community, with some ideas as to how his entrepreneurial talents could even serve the local church. The team shares a bit on how diversity of walks and experiences within the church is actually the key to its success because it creates a place from which collective wisdom can be shared.
Another entrepreneur, currently a student, asked about what great books the team were reading and we found out Henry is more of a people guy while William and Rusty had to confess to may be over doing it in the book buying department. All gave a few of their favorite and highly recommended titles. Finally, the team calls Josh Banko over, one of the co-creators of the iPad, who shares a bit about how God led and fed his drive to innovate by speaking to the desires of his heart, sending mentors to him to point him in the right direction and choosing to make His presence known in Josh’s life every step of the way.
Photo by Joski Byrne on Unsplash