Don't Worship Work
Kill the Idol of Busyness
Jessica Kim
Have you made busyness an idol? In this session of the Don't Worship Work series, Jessica Kim, Co-Founder of Ianacare and Henry Kaestner, Founder of Bandwith and Sovereigns Capital, share practical frameworks they use to ensure that they have margin in their lives.
Discussion Questions
The One Thing
In Luke 10:38-42 we hear about Martha being distracted with “much serving.” While her work was very noble and selfless, Jesus said to her, “you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary.” On the other hand, Mary sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to Jesus’ teaching. Jesus said of her, “Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”
What is distracting you from focusing on the one thing, and sitting at the feet of Jesus? Share that with others.
When can you carve out time in your schedule to listen to Jesus’ teaching this week?
Different Seasons
Ecclesiastes 3 suggests that we experience different seasons for moments in life. As Jessica Kim mentions in this video, sometimes we can place a lot of pressure on ourselves to be perfectly balanced, because we don’t acknowledge the season the Lord has put us in.
Take time to be honest and ask God, “what season am I in?” Maybe it’s training, fundraising, or brainstorming. Write down what that looks like for you.
Then ask, what does that look like for your marriage? Your relationship with your kids? Your employees?
Margins create space for the unexpected.
Do you feel that you have margins in your life right now? If not, ask God to help you identify if there’s anything you need to let go of in this season. Maybe it’s a project, a deadline, a board member role, a program you are a part of?
Share with your group what responsibility you want to release so you can have more margin in your life.
Ideas to Explore the Mark Further
Looking for some practical ways to put this mark into action? Here are some ideas that can help you develop an even greater understanding of Don’t Worship Work.
The gifts and traits that draw you towards entrepreneurship also pose particular temptations for your calling as a citizen of God’s Kingdom. A Rule of Life for Redemptive Entrepreneurs by Praxis for a set of practices that guard your habits and your rhythms as you work.
Our anxiety as leaders can make it difficult to step away from our work. Seek to understand your anxiety and how it might affect others. Look at Managing Leadership Anxiety Resources by Steve Cuss on more tools for healthier leadership.
Set aside one day a week as Sabbath for your family. Read the Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer and his accompanying ‘How to Unhurry’ workbook for biblical-based guidance on how to slow down and practice Sabbath.