The Best Stories and Series of the Movement all in One Place
An 8-part video series that goes deep into the Marks with Henry Kaestner and Pastor J.D. Greear.
To be sure, leadership learning or ideation sparks new companies and new corporate direction, and yet, at the end of the day, it’s people that have eternal value and meaning to God. People don’t just want money for their day at your workplace, they want meaning.
Read MoreIt’s hard to see a bright economic future for Illinois, at least before a serious reckoning. With already so many people are leaving (more than 45,000 in 2018 alone), the trend has been named the “Illinois Exodus.” That means fewer taxpayers to share the burden, which likely leads to higher taxes, which likely leads to more departures.
Read MoreJoin William and Henry in the Mile-High city as they talk to Jeff Haanen from the Denver Institute for Faith and Work. His article, God of the Second Shift, made waves in the faith and work world, and we’re excited to have him on our podcast today to talk more about how we can move this conversation around theology and business from the corner office to the manufacturing floor. Tune in to hear what Jeff has to share about what a theology of work means for those in the working class.
Read MoreIt’s common to think of corporate values as a concept that has always been around, but Lake Lambert, President of Hanover College in Indiana, is here to educate us and show that this isn’t actually the case. Lake is the author of Spirituality, Inc—a book that examines the history of religion in the American workplace—and he joins Henry, William, and Rusty to share what he’s learned about workplace spirituality from the past and what we might expect for the future.
Read MoreEach year, nearly 20 million people lose their jobs. That’s how this article opens, but don’t worry—it gets hopeful from there. Hear Matt Rusten from Made to Flourish explain the role of the church when it comes to unemployment and how community can and should play a role in helping people get back on their feet.
Read MoreAnother church profile from RightNow Media —A core belief woven into the fabric of church life at Christ Community Church is that the gospel speaks to every nook and cranny of life, including work. Pastor Tom Nelson also happens to be our podcast guest this week :)
Read MoreRightNow Media shares a church profile from Detroit, MI, showing community impact experienced when a church understands that their work is worship. This story is featured in their course, "Closing the Sunday to Monday Gap."
Read MoreToday, we’re in Kansas City with Tom Nelson. Tom is the visionary pastor of a multi-site church called Christ Community, and he’s been widely recognized in the Faith Driven Entrepreneur community for his book, Work Matters. He also serves on the board of The Gospel Coalition and is President of Made to Flourish—a network of pastors trying to establish what it looks like to be a Monday church. What we love about Tom, and why we had him on today, is that he is working on a replicable model for what it looks like for the average church to affirm and encourage entrepreneurs. Join Henry, William, and Rusty to hear how Tom’s work could affect the way you worship, the way you work, and even the way you live.
Read MoreIt's common for sermons and some academic theological writings to portray Jesus as a poor man who led an attempted peasant revolt. The problem is that neither historical texts nor archaeological records are consistent with this picture.
Read MoreToday we’re connecting with Matt Bird, who is based in the United Kingdom. Matt is the author of several books, including Relationology, The Secrets of Story, and Freedom: How to Live Your Life for Jesus Free From Anxiety and Worry. Another one of his books, Transformation, takes a look at how God is connecting churches across communities, cities, and countries to bring about social, political, economic, cultural, and spiritual transformation. This book is the product of Matt’s work with businesses and churches in helping them both improve one another as they increase their impact, which is the subject of this episode. Listen in to hear how they do it!
Read MoreIn a suburb north of Denver, Prime Trailer Leasing manages a fleet of gleaming white semi-trailers. Like the Hertz of semi-trucks, Prime owns and rents its trucks to commercial customers of all varieties. Wes Gardner, the founder and owner of Prime, acknowledges that “semi trailers aren’t glamorous,” but the work his company is doing is anything but mundane.
Read MoreTheology of Work Project digs into a famous parable —“One of Jesus’ most significant parables regarding work is set in the context of investments (Matt. 25:14-30). A rich man delegates the management of his wealth to his servants, much as investors in today’s markets do.”
Read MoreWes Willmer builds us up in his piece: How do we see work and earning in the bigger picture of our Christian faith? He reveals that increasing our impact is not about earning more money, but that it happens when we acknowledge our place in God’s work, when we know ourselves, and when we understand how God views money.
Read MoreLet’s not let our identity or vision be an excuse for bad leadership, but rather the fuel and motivator for great leadership. One of my agendas in the work I do, frankly, is to redeem the brand dignity of “Christian business leadership” to be associated with the very highest standards in society
Read MoreBobby Gruenewald of YouVersion joins us this week giving us the low down on the origins of this wildly popular bible app with 370M+ downloads and counting.
Read MoreHow much can you take? Jon Kontz shares “A sense of calling helps to weather the storms of startup life, but for risk takers like me, it can be hard to tell the difference between calling and another great idea.”
Read MoreIn this episode, the team talks to Jon Hart, Partner at Praxis Labs about his work with Praxis Academy, a week-long on ramp into the Praxis community of redemptive entrepreneurs targeting the under 25. For 5 years, this organization has encouraged college-aged entrepreneurs to more actively view their aspirations within the context of their faith, impacting 750 people, from 160 universities and 20 countries.
Read MoreWe are honored to share an excerpt from Mark Greene’s classic “Thank God It's Monday” which is celebrating 25 years in print. A big thanks to Christian publisher Muddy Pearl based in Edinburgh! Read more here…
Read MoreMike Sharrow, CEO of The C12 Group, challenges readers to find rest despite the hustle and bustle of work and daily nonstop demands. He ends his article with an inspired prayer for all those overwhelmed with high speed at which life moves. Click here to read more!
Read MoreOn this episode, the team spends time with Andy Crouch, partner for theology and culture at Praxis, an organization that works as a creative engine for redemptive entrepreneurship, as well as an accomplished writer and journalist, having authored several books as well as articles published in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and Time Magazine.
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