God, Bless My Business!
— by Bruce “Captain” Kirk
In the fall of 2022, I facilitated my first Foundation Group with Faith Driven Entrepreneur. When recruiting participants, my desire was to attract entrepreneurs who were seeking to build their faith into their businesses and journey with established entrepreneurs who wanted God to bless their businesses.
To me, this made total sense. After all, what Christian entrepreneur wouldn't seek the favor of God upon their business?
While facilitating the Foundation Group, however, I increasingly found myself asking, “Am I trying to convince God to bless my business? Or am I asking God to lead and direct the business He had provided?” The hard reality is that I was predominantly asking God to bless the business plans I had established and thinking that was enough.
Through this self-reflective process, I experienced a paradigm shift/awakening that transformed my concept of the Faith Driven Entrepreneur. This awakening has clearly led me on a new path filled with excitement and anticipation. For me, it’s a better way, and I am eager to share this article with you in hopes you too can experience an awakening that leads you and your business to new heights in God’s eyes.
Can We Expect Blessing Without Self Examination and Change?
When politicians give speeches, typically, they end with "God Bless America" (as if this was part of a 'politician’s playbook'). This frustrates me not because I don’t want God to Bless America… I passionately do, but because politicians seem to think God will Bless America simply for the asking, without any fundamental change in what’s happening in our nation culturally.
In large part, God has been removed from the public square, moral fiber, and policy decisions of our nation. He has also taken a backseat within families, schools, media, and entertainment. Given what we read in the Bible, I believe God cannot ignore this context. Doing so would be opposite of His character.
God of the Bible, in His holiness and perfection, is incapable of acting out of character. (As proof, the Old Testament is replete with accounts of Him removing His blessings from those who ignore Him and choose to go their own way.)
But, in many ways, by expecting God to respond to my requests to bless my business (without any real change), wasn’t I acting in a similar fashion to the politicians?
Sometimes Blessing Begins with Surrender
Also during the Fall of 2022, I was part of a Bible Fellowship focused on the video series “Experiencing God” by Henry Blackaby.
During these two formative events, the Faith Driven Foundation Group and “Experiencing God,” I recognized the need – and calling – to increasingly turn my business over to the Lord and run it in ways that brought Him blessings and glory rather than asking Him to bless what I wanted and what I was doing.
A Charles Stanley quote speaks into this context very well, “Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him.”
Romans 12:1-2 also sets the table for implementing this newly found perspective, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
I meet so many people – both secular and faith driven – who struggle to know the purpose for which they exist. The answer is right there in Romans 12:1-2. God wants to know you are committed to obedience (v1), and then allow Him to open your heart, mind, and eyes to the specific and unique purpose He has for your life (v2).
For What Purpose Does Your Business Exist?
Just as you may wonder for what purpose you exist, I submit asking the same question about your business is equally valid. If your business’ purpose isn’t aligned with God’s will or God’s way, then you might not experience the blessings you’re asking for.
The key is unconditional surrender. First in your heart. Then in your life, personally and professionally.
Imagine the wonderful ripple effects if you were to present your business as a living sacrifice to God.
Imagine if running your business was a form of worship… a sweet aroma to Him for how He has equipped you.
Imagine learning the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God for your business!
If you are struggling with letting go of control of your business, meditate on these verses and quotes. Remember how God wants to bless us and change us to be more like Christ. Not every obstacle is a result of control or a lack of faith, but perhaps the Holy Spirit is asking you to reflect on your heart posture.
2 Corinthians 2:15a, “For we are to God the fragrance of Christ.”
Psalm 32:8a, “I will instruct and teach you in the way you should go.”
Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
Charles Stanley, “Know that God has a plan for your life… and you do not want to miss it.”
Andy Stanley, “If you were absolutely certain God had you here on purpose, what would you do?”
Billy Graham, “Don’t be satisfied with anything less than God’s plans.”
Remember, when we say, “God, bless my business!” we might be reversing the true order of things. We are created to serve God. God is not here to merely serve us (although his blessings go beyond anything we can imagine).
God Has a Plan For Your Business
The awakening I experienced was, in part, recognizing that I was a steward of the business God had provided and not the owner… with all the width and depth that means (FDE Foundation Video 2). The awakening was also experienced in the business context of Luke 9:23, “Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.”
If you are sick of the status quo of asking God to bless your business and still feeling not having peace, I encourage you to invoke Romans 12:1-2 and Luke 9:23 in your life. Ultimately, what you experience and the answers to what God has planned for you and your business are personal. They are between you and God. However, I can assure you, the Holy Spirit will create a paradigm-shifting, awakening experience meant specifically and personally for you when you surrender to Him unconditionally.
It's a journey, a lifestyle, not an on/off switch. Focusing on God’s plans will most certainly involve degrees of repentance and reconciliation, perhaps even changes in the direction and makeup of your business. Yet, the glory God receives and the fulfillment you will experience living the life God designed you for is priceless.
Go and live this wonderful life of your business being aligned with God of the Bible, God of the universe!
5 Practical Tips for Surrendering Your Business to God
It’s one thing to read a new perspective on God blessing your business. But it’s another thing entirely to put it into practice. Here are some practical tips that can foster an environment where the Holy Spirit honors your efforts. Each one is an important ingredient, but don’t feel you need to add them all at once. Start with a few, build consistency with them, then add more as you go. But keep going.
Take a personal inventory of what God may have already called you to do, but that you are avoiding or haven’t done. (You cannot expect God to give you added guidance and further clarity if you aren’t living in obedience to that which has already called you.)
Quiet yourself, pray, pray, and fast. Taking a step back and giving yourself the freedom to think, ponder, and be infused by the vision of the Holy Spirit. Walks in nature, periodic times away are Biblical (Mark 1:35, John 6:15).
Read Scripture to understand the accounts of our Biblical forefathers and how they surrendered. For example:
Noah’s obedience to God’s calling and receiving the blessings of God (Genesis 6:14,22; 7:5; 9:1)
Abraham’s obedience to God commanding Him to present Isaac as a sacrifice (Genesis 22:1).
Nehemiah puts his career on hold and dedicates himself to the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls. He goes all-in with full, pedal-to-the-metal commitment upon receiving the green light from God through King Artaxerxes. It’s as if Nehemiah was released to the purpose for which he was born. (Nehemiah 1:3-11; 2:17-18).
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego commit themselves to obeying the Lord no matter what and are protected (Daniel 3:28). Did they know ahead of time the blessings they’d receive and the ripple effects that would take place through King Nebuchadnezzar as a result of their obedience? No. They wholeheartedly trusted in the Lord God.
Seek awareness of where God is already working in the marketplace and join Him in that work. John 15:5, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in Him, bears much fruit; for without Me, you can do nothing.”
Seek fellowship with other Faith Driven Entrepreneurs who are devoted to helping you to discern the voice of God, providing encouragement, and holding you accountable to this journey.
I will end with Romans 15:13, “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Did you find Bruce’s words insightful? Are you reconsidering your heart posture when it comes to asking for God’s blessing on your business? There’s more where that came from!
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