Steve Graves
organizational strategist
Steve is an organizational strategist, pragmatic theologian and social capitalist. At any given time, he is advising 5-6 executives or business owners, along with 3-4 young energetic social entrepreneurs. He sits on a half dozen boards, holds degrees in multiple subjects, writes often and speaks occasionally. He lives in Northwest Arkansas with his wife Karen, has three adult children and if he doesn’t return your call quickly there is a good chance he snuck off to the river…again.

Line your life up against the right guides and they’ll guide you home. Three of the guides I use to line up against are satisfaction, leverage, and maturity. Let me tell you why.
Are you more wired as an enterprise leader or an entrepreneurial leader? Read more on why both types of leaders are needed in most successful organizations.
After working with literally thousands of leaders and companies, I’ve discovered there are three stages for any business or enterprise growth. Don’t think days and weeks; instead, think growth and maturation.
I've been rereading some of the Psalms lately and I was rereading Psalm 78 toward the end of that chapter. And actually, it's really funny because if you would have asked me years and years ago if I had a life verse, it was these verses, but then I actually didn't really memorize them.
For the past 25 years, Steve Graves has worked with hundreds of organizations from Fortune 100 giants to small bootstrapping start-ups. He’s a regular contributor to the blog and has also written some great Operators Manuals for entrepreneurs. But today, he’s helping us kick off the new year right by sharing how to set priorities and guarantee success in the days, weeks, and months to come...
“There are other ways of writing about the stages of business development. I’ve done it myself, but I find quantifying it in this way—0 to 1, 1 to 5, and 5 to 50—makes sense to a lot of my clients. It works in any industry, any style of corporate culture, and every market I can think of.”
This image of planes hurtling down a carrier’s swaying deck and launching into the open sky is precisely what graduation is all about.