The Best Stories and Series of the Movement all in One Place
An 8-part video series that goes deep into the Marks with Henry Kaestner and Pastor J.D. Greear.
Hubert Morken is a retired university professor best known for his founding of the Religion and Politics Section of the American Political Science Association (APSA) and for his teaching, research, and publications. In the APSA, The Hubert Morken Best Book Award is given every two years for the “best book” published anywhere dealing with religion and politics.
Note: Morken had no role in the naming of this award which came as a complete surprise to him after he retired. Many deserve it. Special help from Aaron Wildavsky, Daniel Elazar, Charles Dunn, Daniel Dreisbach, Robert Booth Fowler, Jo Renee Formicola, and William Bentley Ball, to name a few colleagues.
Professor, Azusa Pacific University, Houghton College, Oral Roberts University, Regent University. Retired 2001.
Book Publications:
Pat Robertson: Where He Stands, Fleming H. Revel, 1988.
Everson Revisited: Religion, Education, and Law at the Crossroads (editor and contributor with Prof. Jo Formicola), Rowman & Littlefield, 1997.
The Politics of School Choice, (co-authored with Prof. Jo Formicola), Rowman & Littlefield, 1999.
Religious Leaders & Faith-based Politics (editor and contributor with Prof. Jo Formicola), Rowman & Littlefield, 2001.
Additional articles, papers, conferences, and public lectures.
Former school board member and board Chair, Park City Academy, Park City, Utah.
Students, largely in university settings and in our home.
Attended Church in a variety of settings, inner-city, urban, suburban, and small-town.
Born in California, 1943. Primary and secondary education in Shanghai, Tokyo, Los Angeles, and Hong Kong — 10 years in Asia — the son of Christian missionary evangelist the Rev. David Morken and Helen (Mitchell) Morken.
Married to Mary (Spradley) Morken, four children, fifteen grandchildren, and four great grandchildren.
Dr. Hubert Morken tell us how the greatest gifts we can give to our employees is the opportunity to create, lead and love great families.